10. Infectious disease prevention measures

Infectious disease prevention measures

From the perspective of risk management, including employee health maintenance and business continuity, we have traditionally focused on measures to prevent infectious diseases. In addition, we regularly distribute alcohol hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to all workplaces, conduct clean days once a week, and clean the area around desks when people are separated from each other to prevent the spread of mass infections. These continuous efforts over the years have definitely led to a reduction in the number of infected people.

Be sure to clean the conference room after using it.

Be sure to clean the conference room after using it.

Also installed on the office floor

Also installed on the office floor


We actively provide information through internal public relations and the company-wide safety and health committee, and we use subsidies from the health insurance association to administer vaccinations at our company facilities. (688 people vaccinated) We are working to prevent influenza infection.

new coronavirus infection

In preparation for after-corona/with-corona, we have established two working rules: standards for work styles and standards for workplaces. We consider work styles based on safety standards that allow us to work safely and activity standards that do not reduce productivity. We have also set standards for workplaces from the perspectives of maintaining distance, reducing contact, maintaining cleanliness, and maintaining health. Accept the current situation, change, and continue to grow. We are developing initiatives aimed at preventing infection and improving productivity.

From July 2021 to April 2022, we conducted the first to third occupational vaccinations for the coronavirus. Although the implementation was limited to major locations, we feel that it was a meaningful activity that brought peace of mind to many people, including employees, group companies, their families, and business partners. .

Winter infectious disease countermeasures
influenza vaccine
Prevention method

Initiatives related to health management


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