Digital Transformation Strategy

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The Itoki Group has set its mission statement as "We Design Tomorrow. We Design WORK-Style." and aims to increase value in the medium to long term and solve social issues.

We have formulated a three-year medium-term management plan covering the period from the fiscal year ending December 2024 to the fiscal year ending December 2026, and have set a goal of data-driven management through the use of digital technology and data. The social environment is undergoing major changes, including the acceleration of digitalization, diversification and complexity of work styles, progress in human capital investment, and changes in the status and position of offices that contribute to engagement and productivity. In this environment, we are promoting and realizing the development of products and services that anticipate changes in social and market needs and the creation of new business models, as well as promoting and realizing structural reforms to make our existing operational mechanisms adaptable to future changes.

In order to flexibly and swiftly address the above challenges, we will utilize cutting-edge digital technologies such as AI and IoT to strengthen the promotion of digital transformation as part of our management strategy. Specifically, we will work to promote digital transformation to improve the experience of our customers, enhance management, and improve the efficiency of our production and operations, based on digital transformation strategies such as digital transformation for products and services in each business based on Office 3.0, digital transformation in various business processes, advanced business management using data, development of digital transformation human resources, and strengthening of the digital transformation foundation.

The Itoki Group will further evolve its strength of Tech x Design based on PEOPLE and strategically promote the creation of new businesses and operational improvements using cutting-edge technology and data.

April 30, 2024
President and CEO
Koji Minato

Itoki's DX strategy

By utilizing digital technology and data, we will realize flexible "work styles" and
By creating new value, we will evolve and promote "We Design Tomorrow. We Design WORK-Style."

Itoki's Digital Transformation Declaration

Based on its mission statement, "We Design Tomorrow. We Design WORK-Style." the Itoki Group will further evolve its strength of Tech x Design based on PEOPLE and realize new business creation and operational improvement through its DX strategy, utilizing cutting-edge technology and data.

Data Business

We contribute to our customers and society by proactively researching, developing, and providing new products and services that utilize digital technology and accumulated data.
Itoki itself uses these new products and services, enabling flexible "work styles."

Data-driven work style reform consulting

Office 3.0 makes data-driven business possible

With the IoT of office furniture and spatial sensing,
Develop and deploy services that provide optimal working styles and office spaces


Realizing the ITOKI Smart Campus

Itoki's vision of education DX is a new standard for "learning style" realized through Tech x Design.
A learning environment where you can explore, collaborate, and co-create anytime, anywhere

Educational use of metaverse technology

In order to strengthen students' digital creativity and communication skills, the classroom was built on the metaverse, allowing students to experience making things, making presentations, and remote international exchange without being bound by various constraints.

Group work AI analysis

The quality of discussion, such as balance of speech and divergence/convergence, was analyzed from recorded data of group work conducted in a hybrid style.

Co-creation with universities

[Campus-to-Campus Online Classes]

・Developing a hybrid group learning system that connects campuses via online communication to accommodate the creation of new departments, university partnerships and integration, and next-generation curricula for industry-academia/overseas school collaborations.
・Implementation of the system in university classes and demonstration in classes

[Digital Transformation of Lessons and Learning Styles]

・Promote digital transformation of research and lecture rooms, libraries, and theaters in response to the evolution of the environment that supports digital skills education

・Implementing next-generation learning and work methods using digital media and VR video equipment, mainly in the university's Department of Data Science and Department of Architecture

Business efficiency

We are using the latest digital technology to streamline siloed operations and reform the way our employees work. We are evolving Itoki's integrated manufacturing and sales business with cutting-edge technology.

Implementing ABW (Active Based Working)

A new way of working where employees can choose the place, time, and people that will make them most productive

Creating an environment that is not tied to a specific place of work - Introducing communication tools and developing mobile infrastructure
- Replacement of standard PC (2022), replacement of smartphone and tablet (2023~)
- Implementation of Microsoft 365, MDM and Miro (2023~)

  • ・ Improve employee satisfaction by +10%

・ Feeling more productive +15%

Sharing ideas and knowledge +74%

・ Office cost reduction: 10-15%

Sharing information and improving work efficiency through digital transformation at each site

Pursuing a comfortable working environment for employees

Pursuing paperless work and ease of use through tools

  • In-house portal ONE ITOKI / iTalk
  • Introduction of Rakuraku Settlement (2022)
  • Last-mile automation with Microsoft Power Automate (RPA)
  • Standardization of Microsoft Power Automate (scheduled for 2025)

Building a foundation for business operations and data with Cloud ERP

Each workplace can become more efficient and everyone can move in the direction of improvement.

Introduction of a system that reduces the amount of work required to enter, check, and share data, enabling departments to focus on collaboration and core business operations

- Implementation of Oracle EPM Cloud (2023~), Oracle ERP Cloud, Oracle SCMCloud, Docusign (2024~)

  • paperless
  • Real-time data visualization
  • Improved productivity by eliminating duplicate entries
  • Review of business processes/rules and strengthening compliance
  • Improving the operation rate of core systems through cloud computing

Management Advancement

We will build an integrated data infrastructure to support real-time decision-making at the management, headquarters, and department levels, aiming for faster, more reliable management.

Data-driven management

Building a foundation for strategy, planning, and execution that links financial and operational KPIs to insights

- Introduction of Oracle EPM Cloud (2023~)

  • Advanced budget planning
  • Self-Service Reporting
  • Establishing a separation between financial accounting and management accounting
  • Management Reports/Dashboards
  • AI-powered support

Digital Transformation Human Resources

The entire company will develop human resources who regard digital technology and data as their own, utilize data and tools, and improve productivity and create new value through business improvements.

Define five stages and progress at your own pace

Knowing stage → Using stage → Utilizing stage → Creating stage, Mastering stage

  1. Career self-expression
  2. Work Style Reform
  3. Improving productivity through operational improvements
  4. New value creation proposals

Digital Transformation Platform

We are gradually working to improve the system environment for utilizing digital technology and data, and to strengthen our information security measures.

DX infrastructure development

We have created a roadmap and are gradually improving the environment for promoting DX by migrating aging systems to the cloud and revamping the user environment.

Information Security and Cyber Security

We have established a Risk Management Committee chaired by the President, and the Digital Transformation Promotion Department and Information Systems Department regularly monitor and report on information security and cybersecurity.
We regard information security as one of the greatest risks to business continuity, and the entire Itoki Group, including group companies, is working on security measures.

  • Risk Management Committee
  • Updates to various regulations regarding information security
  • Group IT Governance

DX Promotion System

The DX Promotion Headquarters will be formed in 2022. It will work with each business division and corporate division to improve management, accounting, and the supply chain.
ITOKI's DX is a participatory DX that pursues overall optimization.

DX Promotion System

ITOKI Open-DX Lab website

Click here for a message from the Director of the Digital Transformation Promotion Headquarters


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