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Announcement press release

More freedom in where you work! You can also work away at “My Place” other than your home!

~Itoki renews its telework system~

ITOKI CORPORATION (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President: Koji Minato) will revise its telework system as of July 1, 2022 in order to realize flexible and diverse working styles. In addition to the traditional work-from-home system, the company will enable employees to telework from a location they have prepared and selected, known as "My Place."

Itoki's mission statement is `` We Design Tomorrow. We Design WORK-Style. As a company that advocates ``, we have worked to create a workplace where each and every employee can feel motivated, work enthusiastically, and perform at their best, starting with our own company.

In this revision of the telework system, we will increase the degree of freedom in where employees work, taking into account the needs of employees. Furthermore, we aim to make it possible for employees to combine their leisure time with ``workcations'' in unusual locations such as travel destinations, which will lead to improved productivity and creativity among employees.

Revisions to the telework system

In addition to working from home, which was stipulated under the previous system, the number of places where employees can work will be expanded to include places prepared and selected by employees themselves, collectively referred to as "My Place." For example, this applies to parents' homes (family/relatives' homes), hotel telework plans, and work facilities.


(Reference) Overview of Itoki's telework system

(Reference) Overview of Itoki's telework system

In the wake of the spread of the new coronavirus, the areas in which workers work have expanded and diversified. We will continue to encourage our employees to practice new ways of working, strengthen our ability to make proposals, and expand products and services to embody the value that customers expect from “Work Environment”, thereby creating “Work Environment” We will lead the manufacturing process.

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