News room

Important Notices

Announcement of ITOKI Group's efforts to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection and the implementation status of telework

Based on the policies of the government and each prefecture, the ITOKI Group is implementing the following initiatives at all locations to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection.

Target area

All locations (including group companies)


for the time being

About work system

  • For the head office and sales offices, maintain an office stay rate of 30% or less by working from home and utilizing staggered commuting.
  • Regarding production and distribution bases, work will be carried out after taking sufficient infection prevention measures.
  • For internal and external meetings, etc., be held with the minimum number of people necessary, set the number of people who can enter and leave depending on the size of the room, and recommend the use of web conferencing.

About movement restrictions

【Prohibited matter】

  • Overseas business trips, domestic business trips
  • Dinner with customers and business partners
  • Dinner between employees
  • Conversations with masks removed during lunch and breaks
  • Smoking during working hours (break time)


  • private dinner

Regarding customer service

Regarding customer visits, visits, deliveries/construction, and showroom tours, we will respond to customer requests as much as possible after taking sufficient infection prevention measures.

Regarding the implementation status of working from home (telework)

As a general rule, we publish the office occupancy rate at our main domestic bases (Tokyo and Osaka) on our website every Tuesday.
Please take a look here.