News room

Important Notices

Regarding reports of non-conforming watertight doors

In a test conducted by the Nuclear Regulation Authority on watertight doors to prevent water intrusion from outside sources such as tsunamis, the test specimens we delivered were found to be non-compliant, resulting in water leakage that exceeded the standard value specified in the test conditions. .

The cause of the nonconformity of the test specimen was that the seal welding between the back plate and frame of the manufactured door was not done, and some peeling was observed at the bonded area of the rubber packing.

We would like to add that the test specimen has been remanufactured and testing has been completed.

In response to this incident, we are sequentially inspecting watertight doors of the same type as the test specimen where the nonconforming product occurred. We have already completed inspections on 90% of all deliveries, and are planning to carry out inspections on the remaining 10% as soon as possible.

We would like to sincerely apologize for the great inconvenience and concern we have caused to many of our stakeholders, and we sincerely promise that we will thoroughly implement quality control and strive to prevent recurrence in the future. I would like to say this.


株式会社イトーキ 企画本部 広報IR部

  • The information posted is current at the time of publication. Please note that the information may differ from the latest information.