Disclosure policy

The purpose of our company's corporate information and IR information disclosed in the IR information section of this website is to help our shareholders and investors better understand Itoki. Before using this site, please carefully read the following disclosure policy and terms of use.

IR Information Disclosure Policy

Our company strives to promptly provide information to shareholders and investors based on transparency, fairness, and continuity. In addition, we strive to disclose information in compliance with the Securities and Exchange Act and the timely disclosure rules established by the Japan Securities Dealers Association, and we also strive to proactively disclose information that is useful for understanding our company.

Based on the provisions of Article 440, Paragraph 4 of the Companies Act, financial statements have not been published since December 2006. Information disclosure method To disclose important information that falls under the timely disclosure rules, please use the securities report published on the "Electronic disclosure system for disclosure documents such as securities reports based on the Securities and Exchange Act (EDINET)" operated by the Financial Services Agency. Please look.

The IR information on this website includes our current plans, performance forecasts, business strategies, etc. These materials are prepared based on the Company's judgment based on information and thoughts obtained by ITOKI's management at the time of preparation of each material. Actual results may differ significantly from forecasts due to risks, uncertainties, and changes in economic conditions. Please refrain from relying solely on these forecasts.

In order to prevent financial information leaks and ensure fairness during the preparation period for financial results announcements, our company observes a quiet period for three weeks prior to financial results announcements, in which we refrain from commenting or answering questions regarding financial results. However, if during the quiet period there is a possibility that the performance will differ significantly from the forecast, we will disclose information as appropriate in accordance with disclosure rules.

Terms of use

The IR information posted on this website is not intended to solicit the buying and selling of shares of ITOKI CORPORATION, nor has it been created for the purpose of investing in such shares. Therefore, the company does not provide any guarantees regarding the content. Please make any investment decisions at your own discretion.

The Company's current plans, strategies, performance forecasts, and other non-historical facts posted in the IR information on this website are future predictions based on the judgment of the Company's management based on currently available information. This information contains known or unknown risks and uncertainties at the time of creation of each material.

Please be aware that actual results announced in the future may differ significantly due to economic conditions, competitive conditions, fluctuations in land prices, and a variety of other factors. Furthermore, the Company is not obligated to revise and publish future forecasts posted on this website due to new information or future events.

We do not make any guarantees regarding the information on other websites linked from the IR information on this website. Furthermore, the Company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by users as a result of this information, its errors, or data downloads.

Please note that our company may change or delete information disclosed on this website, or suspend or discontinue the operation of this website, without prior notice. We are not responsible for any damage caused by changing or deleting information, suspending or discontinuing the operation of the website, or by using this website.


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