Response to the TCFD recommendations

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

The ITOKI Group considers responding to climate change to be one of our important management issues, and in June 2020, we expressed support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Based on the recommendations of the TCFD, we analyze the impact of climate change on our business and actively disclose information through the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and other initiatives. We have also set carbon neutrality targets for 2050, and will work with the entire group and stakeholders in the value chain to contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society.


In order to preserve the Planet environment in all business areas, the Itoki Group operates an environmental management system (EMS) based on ISO 14001 based on the "Itoki Group Environmental Policy" and specific "Action Guidelines" that serve as guidelines for environmental activities. We are developing environmental activities with the participation of all employees by linking the group-wide environmental management cycle with the environmental management cycle of each site and business. Furthermore, at annual management reviews, we report on our activities and promote environmental management based on top management commitment.
In addition, we have formulated a three-year "Medium-term Environmental Plan" in line with our Medium-term Management Plan, and are working to identify important issues, monitor them, and promote countermeasures.

Risk management

Risks and opportunities related to climate change and biodiversity are identified by comprehensively considering business issues, environmental impact assessments through EMS activities, and requests and expectations from stakeholders, and we formulate a "medium-term environmental plan." We are promoting company-wide initiatives.
Regarding transition risks, increased costs if a carbon tax is introduced and delays in responding to changes in stakeholder behavior have been identified as risks with a large impact, and countermeasures such as the use of renewable energy and the development and design of environmentally friendly products have been identified. We will manage it accordingly. Regarding physical risks, there are concerns about the risk of supply chains being disrupted if the frequency of abnormal weather events increases. We will respond by reviewing our business continuity plan in response to changes in the environment.


Regarding expected long-term climate change, we defined and analyzed three scenarios (sustainability progress, standard, and stagnation scenarios) with reference to the IPCC*. As a result, it became clear that climate change has the potential to have a major impact on the Itoki Group's business in the short, medium, and long term, including policy and regulatory risks. In addition to the increased frequency and severity of abnormal weather events that have already become apparent, other factors include the introduction of a carbon tax, increased procurement costs, and shrinkage of existing markets.
The ITOKI Group regards climate change as an important management issue, and will reevaluate its role as a manufacturing company and consider future business strategies. In addition, we have set the priority themes of ``contributing to a carbon-neutral society'' and ``protecting the natural environment and promoting resource circulation'' as materiality (important issues), and have established medium- to long-term CO₂ emissions targets. In addition to promoting work styles that reduce CO2 emissions by promoting and supporting customers' work style reforms, we are also working to achieve this within our company by introducing renewable energy and developing and designing environmentally friendly products. I'll go.
By regularly monitoring the activities and steadily implementing the PDCA cycle, we will make progress toward achieving our goals.

  • IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change): Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Metrics and goals

In response to climate change, the ITOKI Group has established the following medium- to long-term CO₂ emissions targets and is working to incorporate them into concrete reduction plans.
Furthermore, as much of the Itoki Group's CO2 emissions come from Scope 3 Category 1 "Purchased products and services," we will continue to refine our aggregation and build further collaborative systems with our suppliers to reduce CO2 emissions. We will continue our efforts.

CO₂ emissions target

item 2030 target* 2050 target
Scope1・2 50% reduction carbon net zero
Scope1~3 30% reduction ̶

* Compared to 2013

CO₂ emissions target


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