
The Itoki Group not only complies with laws and regulations, but also builds a compliance promotion system that serves as the basis for promoting fair business practices, and is actively working to strengthen the compliance awareness of all group executives and employees.

Compliance promotion system

The Itoki Group has established the Compliance Committee, chaired by the executive officer in charge of compliance, under the Risk Management Committee as the body with highest responsibility for promoting compliance.
The committee met three times in fiscal 2022, and planned and drafted specific measures, as well as managed and verified progress. The implementation and guidance of specific measures is carried out by compliance promotion committee members and promotion staff assigned to major departments.
Additionally, we have established and operate a whistleblower helpline to prevent misconduct, promote self-cleansing, and maintain social trust. This helpline plays an important role as a system where employees can feel safe reporting fraud and problems.

Compliance promotion system diagram

Compliance promotion system diagram

Thorough compliance awareness

As a corporate group that operates globally, the ITOKI Group recognizes that "compliance means responding to the demands of society," and we encourage all executives and employees not only to comply with laws and regulations, but also to instill corporate ethics and company standards. We are developing our business activities while flexibly responding to the expectations and requests of stakeholders not only in Japan but also in each country and region, while also giving due consideration to social norms and social contributions.
In fiscal 2022, we will conduct executive training and rank- and workplace-specific training to update compliance knowledge, and we will regularly publish "Compliance News" in order to strengthen and disseminate compliance throughout the group. Published.
Additionally, we conduct a "compliance survey" targeting all group employees every year, and use the results for compliance promotion and awareness activities.

Thorough compliance awareness

KPIs and results for FY2022

2022 target Promoting increased compliance throughout entire company
FY2022 results Completion of training plan

Future tasks

With the spread of telework due to the coronavirus pandemic, new compliance issues related to employee labor management and information management have come to light, and we recognize the need to go beyond traditional measures and strengthen our compliance system from a broader perspective. doing. In order to quickly and appropriately deal with this issue, ITOKI positions the enhancement of its compliance system as an urgent issue and is working on it.


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