Corporate governance

Itoki ensures compliance, administrative transparency, and fair management based on business ethics and strict compliance with laws. In addition, Itoki establishes corporate governance to increase trust in the Company, to achieve sustainable growth, and to increase its medium- to long-term corporate value through prompt disclosure of information and proactive discussion with shareholders and investors.

A framework that creates long-term profits

A framework that creates long-term profits

Corporate governance system

Corporate governance system diagram

Corporate governance system diagram

board of directors

ITOKI places importance on ensuring diversity on the entire board of directors, and will have a female director appointed for the first time in 2023. In addition, in order to maintain an appropriate size that allows for high-quality discussions, and to ensure a balance among directors as a whole, we have selected executive directors who are familiar with company operations, etc., and who can execute operations with agility, as well as highly specialized directors. The board is comprised of outside directors who can be expected to provide management advice and supervision from a wide range of perspectives. In principle, the Board of Directors meets once a month to decide on matters stipulated by laws and regulations, the Articles of Incorporation, and important management matters, as well as to supervise business execution.

Main matters discussed at the board of directors meeting

  • Matters related to the general meeting of shareholders (convening the general meeting of shareholders, deciding on proposals, etc.)
  • Matters related to officers, organizations, and personnel matters (appointment and dismissal of officers, etc.)
  • Matters related to general group management (formulation of medium-term management plans and annual management policies, etc.)
  • Matters related to settlement of accounts and finances (approval of settlement of accounts (year-end and quarterly), etc.)

board of auditors

ITOKI has established a Board of Corporate Auditors to conduct efficient and effective audits of the execution of duties by directors. The Board of Corporate Auditors determines audit policies, plans, and priority audit items for each fiscal year, and implements audit activities. In addition to receiving regular reports from each division related to internal control systems, we also collaborate with accounting auditors to conduct confirmations from a variety of perspectives. Additionally, we receive explanations regarding individual projects from directors, etc. as necessary.

Priority audit items

  1. Promotion of compliance management
  2. Status of development and operation of internal control system management system
  3. Communication regarding KAM (Key Audit Considerations) implementation

Director diversity

The Board of Directors shall be composed of a well-balanced board of directors with diverse backgrounds, including advanced specialized knowledge and experience, in order to appropriately fulfill its responsibilities of formulating basic management policies for the ITOKI Group and appropriately supervising management. I am. Furthermore, by appointing corporate auditors who have knowledge of finance, accounting, and legal matters, we are able to audit and supervise the Board of Directors and business execution functions from a neutral and objective perspective.

Skill matrix for directors and auditors

Skill matrix for directors and auditors

Skill definition

Skill name definition
corporate management Management experience as CEO or COO, with skills to lead business transformation from a long-term perspective
Financial accounting Possess a wide range of knowledge and experience in finance and accounting, and the skills to evaluate business growth and profitability and achieve high capital efficiency.
Legal/Risk Management Possess extensive knowledge and experience in legal affairs, risk management, and compliance, and have the skills to make decisions that are legal and beneficial to the company.
internationality Possesses extensive knowledge and experience in overseas business management experience and the local business environment, and has the skills to lead international business activities.
sales Possesses extensive knowledge and experience in sales and marketing, and has the skills to lead business transformation.
Production/R&D Possesses extensive knowledge and experience in manufacturing development and skills to lead business transformation.
Human resource development Possesses a wide range of knowledge and experience in the field of human resource development, and has the skills to create an organization where each employee can maximize their abilities.
ESG Possesses extensive knowledge of ESG and SDGs, which are the responsibilities that companies should fulfill, and skills to solve corporate and social issues.
DX Possesses extensive knowledge and experience in DX/IT, and skills to promote business and business transformation and solve corporate and social issues.

Characteristics of corporate governance

Outside director ratio
Percentage of outside directors with corporate management experience
Number of female directors
Outside auditor ratio

Reasons for selecting outside directors

full name Reason for selection
Hiroshi Nagata He has been appointed as an outside director in order to reflect his extensive experience and deep insight in corporate management in the management of our company. He plays the role of strengthening the management monitoring function of the Board of Directors by attending meetings of the Board of Directors from an independent standpoint and expressing appropriate opinions. In addition, we have determined that there is no risk of a conflict of interest with general shareholders as it does not meet any of the disclosure weighting requirements regarding independence and there is no conflict of interest with the company's management from the past to the present. I am.
Shiro Nitanai He was appointed as an outside director in order to reflect his extensive experience and deep insight in corporate management and facility design in the management of our company. In addition, we have determined that there is no risk of a conflict of interest with general shareholders as it does not meet any of the disclosure weighting requirements regarding independence and there is no conflict of interest with the company's management from the past to the present. I am.
Mariko Bando Although he has no experience in the past of being involved in company management other than as an outside director, he has a wealth of experience and deep insight in the fields of government and education, and has a particularly specialized perspective on diversity promotion and human resource development. We have appointed him as an outside director in order to receive useful opinions and suggestions from the public and to monitor management from an independent perspective. In addition, we have determined that there is no risk of a conflict of interest with general shareholders as it does not meet any of the disclosure weighting requirements regarding independence and there is no conflict of interest with the company's management from the past to the present. I am.

Criteria for determining the independence of outside directors

In order to contribute to the company's sustainable growth and increase in corporate value over the medium to long term, ITOKI has established its own standards regarding the independence of outside directors, and these standards are disclosed in the matters regarding independent directors in the corporate governance report. . In addition to the standards set by the Companies Act and stock exchanges, we appoint people as independent outside directors who meet our own independence standards.

  1. Not currently or in the past 10 years a business executive of the Company, its subsidiaries or affiliated companies
  2. Not be a current major shareholder (shareholder holding 10% or more of total voting rights) or an executive officer of the company
  3. Not being an executive of one of the Company's major business partners (a business partner whose annual transaction amount exceeds 2% of the Company's consolidated sales, or a supplier whose annual purchase amount exceeds 2% of the company's consolidated sales)
  4. Not a business executive of the Company's major lenders (financial institutions whose annual borrowing amount exceeds 2% of the Company's total assets)
  5. Must not be a consultant, accountant, lawyer, or other professional who receives money or other assets of 10 million yen or more annually from the Company in addition to executive compensation.

Support system for outside directors (outside auditors)

ITOKI provides directors and auditors with the necessary opportunities, including external training, to ensure that they are aware of their roles and can appropriately fulfill their roles and responsibilities, both at the time of their appointment and after their appointment. Our basic policy is to provide support including: The support system is as follows.

  1. Directors and corporate auditors share information necessary for lively discussions at important meetings such as the Board of Directors and the Board of Corporate Auditors.
  2. When newly appointed outside directors and outside corporate auditors take office, they receive an explanation of the company's business and tour major locations.
  3. We conduct compliance training at least once a year for directors and auditors to improve their corporate governance and compliance skills.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the board of directors

Every year at ITOKI's Board of Directors, we discuss, analyze and evaluate the overall effectiveness of the Board of Directors, including the management of proceedings and agenda items, while listening to the opinions of executives. As a result, in a free discussion held in January 2023, outside directors made comments such as "focusing on the ESG area," "further improvement of brand power," and "further reporting at the board of directors meeting." Suggestions for improvement were made in areas such as quality assurance, environment, new product development, status of group companies, trends of other companies in the same industry, etc.). The Board of Directors then works to implement these improvement proposals and improve their effectiveness.

Executive compensation

Remuneration for directors, excluding outside directors, consists of (1) fixed remuneration, (2) variable remuneration linked to performance, and (3) restricted stock remuneration (non-monetary remuneration). Monetary remuneration is paid as monthly remuneration according to the approved monthly remuneration table for each position. (2) In order to contribute to the improvement of corporate performance, variable remuneration is calculated and paid based on position, linked to the operating profit of the current fiscal year, and taking into account individual performance. Masu. Individual performance is evaluated based on evaluation indicators set for each business and function for each area of responsibility. (3) Restricted stock remuneration is based on position-based stock remuneration, with the aim of sustainably increasing corporate value and sharing value with shareholders. , the salary is provided on the condition that the employee remains an officer. Compensation for outside directors consists of fixed compensation and restricted stock compensation.

Policy regarding cross-shareholdings

From the perspective of maintaining and strengthening relationships with business partners, Itoki's basic policy is to hold stocks for cross-holding purposes only when it is determined that they will contribute to the economic development of the Itoki Group and the increase in corporate value over the medium to long term. This is our policy. In addition, each year the Board of Directors examines whether it is reasonable to continue holding cross-shareholdings, such as whether the benefits associated with holding them are commensurate with the cost of capital. As a result of the verification, we will proceed with the sale of stocks that are deemed to have little value in holding. In fiscal 2022, we sold three stocks.
When exercising voting rights related to cross-shareholdings, we do not unconditionally approve the proposals of the companies in which we hold shares, but rather make decisions after making individual judgments from the perspective of whether or not they are deemed to contribute to improving the company's corporate value. The standard is to exercise rights.

Takeover defense measures

Itoki initially introduced takeover defense measures after receiving shareholder approval at the 58th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on March 28, 2008. When a large-scale acquisition proposal for the Company's shares is made, the time required for shareholders to decide whether or not to respond to the large-scale acquisition, or for the Company's Board of Directors to propose an alternative plan to shareholders. We will deter large-scale acquisition activities that are contrary to the company's corporate value and the common interests of our shareholders by securing information on the acquisition of large-scale acquisitions and making it possible for shareholders to hold discussions and negotiations with large-scale purchasers on behalf of our shareholders. The purpose is that.

Group governance

In addition to providing the support and guidance necessary to achieve medium-term management plans and annual plans, they also attend board meetings of group companies and check and monitor whether reports and resolutions are being made in accordance with regulations and standards. Masu.
We also continue to provide guidance to group companies on how to hedge management risks (compliance, accounting, business processes, labor management, information security, etc.) by each division of our company. In addition, in order to share, check, and monitor information, we are working to strengthen the governance of the entire group, such as by appointing managerial employees with experience as department heads and employees with specialized knowledge in accounting and finance to serve as part-time directors and auditors of each group company. I'm trying.

Thoughts on internal control

Internal audit

Based on the audit plan for each fiscal year, we conduct audits of Itoki and its domestic and overseas group companies to determine whether business execution is being carried out appropriately in accordance with laws and internal regulations, and whether risks are being effectively managed. I am. Additionally, as an independent evaluation department for the "Internal Control Reporting System" based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, it evaluates the effectiveness of the ITOKI Group as a whole. In addition to regularly reporting audits to management and the Board of Directors, information is shared with the Board of Corporate Auditors and accounting auditors as appropriate, and the internal audit department reports audit results to full-time corporate auditors. We are increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of internal audits.

Internal control system (Company Law)

Based on the "Basic Policy for Establishing an Internal Control System," which was resolved at the Board of Directors meeting held on May 31, 2006, Itoki has established a system to ensure that the execution of duties by directors complies with laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation. We strive to build an effective internal control system by regularly checking the operating status of the internal control system and making improvements.

Internal control system (J-SOX law)

In response to the internal control reporting system for financial reporting based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (J-SOX Act), in January 2009, the Itoki Group established an ``Internal Control Audit Office'' and an ``Internal Control Promotion Office.'' We strive to develop and operate the systems necessary to ensure the reliability and appropriateness of our financial reports.


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